Collection: Impregnation for stepping stones

Preserve the beauty and durability of your polygonal natural stones with the right impregnation

Caring for and preserving stepping stones and stepping stones made of quartzite, slate, and greywacke is of great importance, especially outdoors. Proper impregnation provides protection against dirt, stains, and wear, and helps maintain the visual attractiveness of the stone surfaces.

Imprägnierung zum Schutz ihrer polygonalen Trittplatten

Do you have any questions or need advice?

Our employees are available as contact persons from Monday to Friday between 8 am and 4 pm. Phone: +49 (0)3332 26 70 78 27. You can also ask your questions by email or in the live chat. We will respond as quickly as possible.

Wald mit Sonneneinstrahlung steht symbolisch für die Umweltfreundlichkeit der wasserbasierten Imprägnierung von

Solvent-free and biodegradable

Optimize the protection of your step plates, porcelain stoneware, and natural stone plates with our water-based impregnation. Our products provide environmentally friendly stain protection and are free of harmful chemicals. Preserve the natural beauty of your stones while ensuring a long-lasting beautiful natural stone surface.

Save real money

With our discount code "NEU24" we offer you a €50 discount on your first order, with a minimum order value of €500. Do you have any questions or requests? Call us at: +49 (0) 3332 26 70 78-27. We are here for you.

Feel free to send us an email with any questions or requests